Great Food Allergy Items to Check Out

I love that there are so many items out there for food allergy kiddos!  When we first started our food allergy journey, it was hard to even find a food allergy specific medical bracelet!  Wow how the times have changed..Sadly enough.

With that said, I wanted to share some of my favorite sites that have plenty of food allergy items to choose from.

First: Activeaide:

This website gives you tons of ideas of food allergy items that may assist in your daily task of avoiding the epinephrine auto injectors.

Here are some of their items:

Which is this cute little carrying case for the epinephrine injectors.

They also have these for older kiddos:

Which connects right to their backpacks. Very handy for school hours. Another item I love on this:

These are great to have for those sports activities…practice or even the game. We love these for soccer!

The next website I wanted to highlight today is the wonderful!  This website is where people can order homemade items for just about anything they want. Here were some of the food allergy items I loved on this site:

There are many food allergy support groups, resources, and items on the web!  Support our families and shop online for some great items! Below is a list of some additional favorite websites for food allergy items: great for allergy filters for the home great for an all over food allergy supports. awesome items, books, card, etc. some amazing apparel options for food allergies