When we do our food allergy testing on our kiddo, we have always opted for doing both the blood test and the skin test. The picture below show what the skin tests results look like on our little man. The blood test just includes a small amount if blood taken from the arm and sent off for testing. We then compare the results because we have had both false negatives and false positives.
Since our little man has "grown out of " 4 of his previous good allergies, we have been told by our specialist that annual testing would be the best way to continue to explore if he has grown out of an allergy. We have just been doing this right before school starts...just an easy schedule to follow in this household.
If you ask my little man, even though he hates needles just like the next kid, he prefers the blood test I over the skin test. With the blood test, it's a quick "ouchie" prick in the arm. The skin test, on the other hand, consists of some safe allergen sample of the item you are testing for inserted slightly under the skin. This is usually on the arm or back. And, while its not painful at all, if the kiddo has an allergy to the item, it becomes extremely itchy and uncomfortable to the little one and it has to remain for some time. After the process is over its not a quick relief either. For us, he is washed off then given some benedryl, which takes time to relieve any itchy and uncomfortableness. It is most certainly a process that I would research and talk to other parents before deciding what type of testing to use with your little ones. Good luck!!